Monday, February 2, 2009

Celebrating 12 Amazing Years!!

Today, Eric and I will are celebrating our twelve anniversary! I can't understand where these years have gone. It seems like only yesterday we were newly married twenty somethings! Here we are two kids and twelve years later, oh my! Two things I have pondered over tonight. 1.)Our marriage really is a huge blessing from God. There are no other explanations. Eric is the ONE for me. There is no doubt in my mind that God put us together. We complement each other like peanut butter and jelly! (If I may be a bit cheesy for the moment, we've earned it... twelve years is a big accomplishment by today's sad standards) We rarely seem to really have a bad day at the same time. The great part about that being that we've always been able to encourage one another because of that. Not to say that we've never had a bad day together, but definitely it's been far and few between. He is just good company to sum it up!! : )
2)We have been richly blessed with two wonderful sons! I am so very thankful that Eric and I are raising them together. What a blessing it is to have children and an even bigger blessing to be able to raise them as a couple. I was reminded by Austin yesterday of just how many kids he knows who come from broken homes. For some reason it is a popularly asked question among kids. They ask each other if their parents are together. One boy offered up that his dad left his mom. How sad that made me feel for him. It seemed the way Austin put this child was offering up this information almost as a self awareness that there is a void in his life not having a father around. Yet another reminder to me that I am so richly blessed with a loving husband and amazing father to our boys. He is so dedicated to our sons. I hope I always remember to never take that for granted. It is God who is the great source of these blessings! Eric and our boys are the answers to my prayers from many years ago. I do remember when I was about twenty having doubts that I would ever marry. I just wasn't sure I believed there was anyone out there who was just right for me....but still I prayed for God to bring the right one! When you are twenty...well you just think about only the then and can't see past the bigger picture. I do know this, when I did meet Eric almost two years later, my doubts were gone....I just knew right away....that he was the one!! And it all happened really without my looking or searching....God just happened to have us at the right place at the right time!